Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tips to Overcome Exam Fever By Anurag Chopra

Come EXAM TIME and students start getting anxious and spend sleepless nights worrying about the coming exams. Exams may be anxiety provoking for some people. Students may worry about an exam for days before it is to take place and/or during the exam, when tackling the examination they may experience negative thoughts and unpleasant physical symptoms which prevent them from performing to the best of their ability.
Don't get over anxious: It never helps. Think of all the exams you have faced so far and how you have overcome your fears. Visualise the worst that can happen and then think positive.

Talk over your anxieties to your parents, friends etc and get it out of your chest periodically. At the same time, talk about the subjects you are good in and the chapters you are well prepared in.

Gain confidence in subjects you know best: by completing the revision and writing notes, especially to a family member or answering mock tests. Make brief points to refer just before the exams.

Fix time and place: Make sure that your study has no disturbance. Move away from that place when you need to take breaks. Take them frequently by structuring your time schedule. Every time you feel fresh, study the difficult or boring subjects first for a few minutes and then move on to easy ones.

Exercise and recreation: are as important as studies and they help you concentrate better. Don't reduce your sleep drastically. Your body needs it.

Avoid repetitive reading: If you are unable to remember, break up the chapter into points and sub points and try and remember each sub point.

Do mock tests: periodically, especially in difficult subjects.Rest, eat good food and freshen up: especially on the morning of your exam. It is a better way to face them than last minute cramming.

On the day of the exam: Relax, Remember God is Incharge....Reduce stress, sleep well, eat well and go early. Do discuss with your friends what you have prepared and what you have not.
Have confidence, you will do well. Believe in yourself.